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Paint Valleys, Rivers & Canals in the Vale of Llangollen


Peter Woolley


Mon 16th June


Fri 20th June


Vale of Llangollen, North Wales


The Wild Pheasant Hotel & Spa







  Single Room


  Single Occ


  Double Occ






Paint with Peter Woolley in Watercolour in the Vale of Llangollen, where

you will paint cascading rivers with rocks, canals, aqueducts and beautiful



There are many places to paint around the Hotel and along the River


More details & images to follow.

Peter will show you how to simplify the scene in front of you in order to

get a pleasing composition. He will guide you through a scene by painting

a step-by-step demonstration for those who want it in order to illustrate

the key elements of each part of the picture and how to build up the

picture. For those who wish to paint their own scene he will give

guidance to each individual according to what they require.

His approachable style of teaching will enable you to get the most out of

your paintings as he will assist you in this process. He will give you plenty

of one-to-one tuition and will demonstrate many tips and techniques

including the importance of tone and colour. Peter will work hard in order

for you to achieve your goals.