Jake Winkle
Jake exhibits widely in the south of England and in 2004 was a finalist in
the Dail Mail's 'Not The Turner Prize' competition. In 2007 his work was
selected for the Royal Society of British Artist's exhibition in The Mall
Galleries, London, and from that time he has been contributing regular
articles about his painting style for The Artist magazine. Jake has been the
subject of three instructional DVD's by Townhouse Films:- Watercolour
from Dark to Light, Light and Movement in Watercolour and most recently
Going Wild in Watercolour. Jake's book Light and Movement in
Watercolour was first released in 2012.
Jake has been winner of category and best in show at Marwell
International Wildlife Art Society's annual exhibition and in 2009 was
awarded the prestigious St. Cuthberts Mill award for best watercolour at
the Society of Equestrian Artist's annual show.
Inspired by light and movement Jake's paintings are a reflection of the world around him. As well as exhibitions in
London and the south of England he has undertaken many fine art commissions for individuals and notable organisations
including The National Trust
Watercolour - From Dark to Light
Going Wild in Watercolour!
Double Occupancy £650
Single Occupancy £695
Non-Painter £450
Dates : 12th - 15th September 2025
Media : Watercolour
Type : Studio
Join Jake Winkle on this opportunity to 'Go Wild in Watercolour!' You will
learn how to paint in his colourful and spontaneous style.